

Simplified ChatGPT usage with virtual assistant.



Coco is a virtual assistant tool that simplifies the use of the ChatGPT AI model on smartphones. Designed primarily for iPhones (Android version is under development), Coco provides a convenient wrapper around ChatGPT, making it free and accessible to the general public. Users can install Coco through a website link and use it in two ways: text mode or voice mode. In voice mode, users can activate Coco by saying “Hey Coco” or simply “Coco,” and the virtual assistant will respond with a “yes?”. When using Coco for the first time, users will be asked to grant permission for creating a note and accessing the ChatGPT server. After permission is granted, a question can be asked in the prompt, and Coco will respond with an answer. It is worth noting that personal questions, news, and weather-related inquiries may not be answered by ChatGPT. If permission is not granted in a timely manner, the request may time out, resulting in no response. Users can send feature requests or suggestions through an email specified on the website. Overall, Coco is a simple yet powerful tool that can assist users in accessing ChatGPT with ease and convenience.

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